Remember our hibernating hedgehogs

Remember our hibernating hedgehogs

As bonfire night approaches, here's some advice to ensure that hedgehogs aren't harmed during your celebrations
Image of hedgehog in autumn leaves

Hedgehog in autumn leaves © Tom Marshall

Bonfire night provides explosive entertainment for us, but is potentially lethal for many creatures, including hedgehogs, looking to settle down for a seasonal snooze. We are encouraging all community bonfire organisers and families with back garden celebrations to include a simple hedgehog check in their routine safety procedures.

David Harpley, Conservation Manager at Cumbria Wildlife Trust, says: “Hedgehogs start preparing for hibernation in early November when temperatures regularly drop below 16 degrees.  They use twigs, leaves and dry grasses to build a cosy winter nest and may move to a new site at least once during the winter months. To a sleepy hedgehog, a ready-made nest such as a compost heap or a pile of timber seems ideal and a newly built bonfire will look like the perfect place to bed down.”

Here are a few simple steps to ensure that the winter nests of the UK’s only spine-covered mammal don’t go up in smoke this year:

  • Try and build the bonfire as close to the night as possible to reduce the chance of a hedgehog moving in.
  • Ideally make your pile of material next to the bonfire site and re-build the stack prior to lighting.
  • Before lighting, search the bonfire for hibernating creatures using a torch and rake, to gently pull back twigs or vegetation.
  • Move any hedgehogs found to a ready-made hedgehog box or somewhere dry and safe away from the fire.
  • If possible, before bonfire night create an alternative hedgehog home by placing some hedgehog boxes in the surrounding area or raking up grass cuttings or autumn leaves into a pile a safe distance from the fire.  Hopefully the hedgehogs will occupy these rather than the bonfire. 

More information about how to help hedgehogs