Fundraise with us

Hedgehog in autumn leaves © Tom Marshall

© Tom Marshall

Fundraise with us & raise money for wildlife!

Your local wildlife needs you! Thank you for choosing Cumbria Wildlife Trust

Fundraising for Cumbria Wildlife Trust is a brilliant way to help protect the wildlife you love - and it can be a lot of fun too!

Every single penny raised really does make a difference to wildlife on your doorstep, which in turn, helps nature further afield.

Whatever your chosen way of fundraising may be (and there are a gazillion wonderful ways you could go about it!), together, we can bring about the change necessary to help reverse nature’s decline in Cumbria. Do not underestimate the impact you can have - nature is in crisis and it needs you...

Getting started with your fabulous fundraising

If you’re wanting to crack on with your fundraising right away, please consider creating a page on Just Giving (you'll need to create a log in if you haven’t used Just Giving before, but this is very straightforward). Whether you’re planning a challenge event, a celebration event (asking for donations in lieu of presents), a work group crowdfunding event, or wish to fundraise in memory of someone - you’ll have everything you need to get you up and running on Just Giving. 

Create a fundraising page on Just Giving

cup cakes copyright Sheelah Brennan

© Sheelah Brennan

Download a hard copy of our Sponsorship form, (if you’re doing a challenge this is a really great way to get more support for your event as not everyone wants to give online) or if you've any other questions regarding your fundraising, please email us

Rally support!

Don’t forget to share your page far and wide - via email, through social media and via WhatsApp if you use it. Sharing your page is a great way to increase visits to your fundraising page and bump up those donations. It’s also worth making your Just Giving page as informative as possible - include photos if you can, and update it with new content regularly.

Thanking your supporters as your total increases also tends to go down really well, and can encourage others to donate. 

Alternatively, you may wish to use Facebook or Instagram - our pages are now set up to receive donations, so please feel free to use those platforms to go wild with your fundraising!

Go wild, raise money, and help your natural world!

Tell us about your fundraising

If you'd like to chat through your ideas or simply want some moral support whilst planning your event or challenge, please feel free to contact us via email. Tell us as much about your fundraising ideas and what stage you’re at.  We're more than happy to arrange a telephone call or Teams meeting to discuss your ideas more and give you some pointers, should you need them.

Check out the Fundraising Regulator website 

There’s loads of useful information on this regarding licenses, health & safety and so on - it’s really worth a look and will help you ensure your fantastic fundraising is safe and legal for all involved. 

The Trust is regulated by the Fundraising Regulator.  We closely follow the principles outlined in our Fundraising Promise, and commit to abide by the Code of Fundraising Practice

Once again, thank you - you are helping to make a real difference for wildlife.

Start fundraising for wildlife via Just Giving website!