Poems & prose inspired by nature | part 2

Poems & prose inspired by nature | part 2

Oak tree © Terry Whittaker/2020VISION

Gosling Sike’s regular Tuesday volunteer group from Carlisle Mencap had a break from weeding recently and worked with writer-in-residence Susan Cartwright-Smith to pen poetry and prose inspired by the wildlife garden.
Oak tree copyright Terry Whittaker 2020VISION

Oak tree © Terry Whittaker/2020VISION

The Oak Tree – a collective poem

As soft as cold silk, the ivy clings
an oak leaf as soft as velvet
bark as hard as human bone
wrinkled like an old person’s skin
or an elephant’s leg.
Moss grows up like grass,
the boughs lean down
like a person stooping for an apple.
Brittle branches snap
like old grasses,
rocks on the ground
hard like nails
cold as ice
cold as shade
rough as sandpaper,
sharp edges like splinters
shiny as marbles
or a jewel.
Light shines through the leaves
like a chess board
or camouflage,
a pattern of shapes.
Acorn cups are hats for a Borrower,
or a field mouse
a pan for a pixie
to batch cook a rosebud Bolognese.

By Sean:

makes me sad and angry
it makes me not happy
when it rains
I feel stuck
inside the house
it stops play
in the garden
I’m happy in my room
when it pours down


The dandelion
is not a weed
it is a seed
and grows into a flower
that is yellow
it grows amongst the trees
and grows tall

The mighty oak tree

The mighty oak tree
is big and wide
that lives in a forest
and could be cut down
it was leaning over
it looked an old man
picking up an apple


The rock, smooth and warmed by the sun
with jagged edges

By Tim


I like the rain
Other times I don’t
because it makes things
very wet
it makes the ground smell nice
the reason why
we have very hot weather
is because of climate change

The dandelion

The dandelion is not a weed
it does not need to feed

Untitled by Tim

The painted lady butterfly
flying high in the sky.
Birds around the feeder chatter, matter.

A group of Starlings on grass - copyright Richard Burkmar

Starlings © Richard Burkmar

By Steph


Rain is wet and cold but sometimes warm
I don’t like it making me stay inside and small.

The starling

The starling with its glossy wing
was having a loud sing


Clouds look like fluffy pillows
they come in all shapes and sizes
they are sometimes white and sometimes grey
depending on the weather
you can sometimes make a picture in the clouds


The painted lady butterfly was a little shy
but managed to fly high

Birds around the feeder chatter, getting fatter
having a natter about the mad hatter

Dandelion - close up of the flower - c - Richard Burkmar

Dandelion © Richard Burkmar

By Michael

The oak

The tall and mighty tree, the oak
was disturbed and suddenly awoke


The dandelion, a yellow flower, not a real lion,
scared of bees, its changes shape to hide
and floats away

By Becca


The dandelion is not a weed
its yellow flower like a sun
bees eagerly feed
shining up on everyone

The tall and mighty tree, the oak
swaying like a drunken bloke

The starling with its glossy wing
was carrying a shiny ring
I thought this was a magpie thing?

The painted lady butterfly
Oh how she did try
to soar so high
up in the sky
to wave goodbye

Birds around the feeder chatter
the weather is no matter
it won’t stop the natter
the rain can patter
but on they chatter

The logpile full of insect small
having a ball
looks like a brawl
in a mall
fighting over the discount shawl.
What gall!

The teasel tall and spiky to feel
touch too hard and you will squeal!
It is far from ideal.

The rock smooth and warmed by the sun
like a hot cross bun
over done.

Painted lady butterfly - c- Richard Burkmar

Painted lady butterfly © Richard Burkmar

By Dan


Rain makes us wet and helps the flowers grow
I miss the rain when it is gone for a long time
in the summer
In Cumbria we see lots of rain
Which fills all of our lakes
I like it when it rains so hard
it bounces off the pavements
I like walking in forests
when it’s raining
it sounds calming.

The dandelion I not a weed
it is a flower which comes from a seed
it is something which the
bees need

The tall and mighty tree, the oak
grows slowly after a good soak
in the wind gives off a mild croak

The starling with its glossy wing
finds its friends as it likes to sing

The painted lady butterfly
dreams of taking to the sky

Birds around the feeder chatter
from perch to perch they make a clatter

The rock smooth and warmed by the sun
wants to find shade, but cannot run